
HarpWorks services include writing, editing, grant writing, publicity, research, training, and consulting. Contact us to learn how HarpWorks can help with your business, nonprofit, or individual project.

Writing & Editing

Running a business or nonprofit is hard work. There’s not enough time to do everything. Why try? When you hire a professional writer for your communications needs, that’s one less thing on your to-do list. Let HarpWorks set you free again to do what you do best. More about Writing and Editing here.

Grant Writing

Many people find grant writing intimidating. Thinking about where the money comes from can help demystify the process: a very successful individual or business wants to share the wealth, and has devised a process for doing so. Learn more here about how HarpWorks’s extensive grant writing experience can work for you.

Additional Services

  • Publicity: Good publicity makes all the difference. To be successful, a product, event, or call to action must be publicized. HarpWorks can help you get the word out and can help you turn people into customers, participants, clients, and consumers.
  • Research: When you know the information is out there, but you don’t have time to find it yourself, HarpWorks can do your research for you.
  • Trainings and Consultations: HarpWorks also offers consultations and training for you and your staff.

 See other services here.

P.O. Box 173 | Bangor, Maine 04402-0173 | 207.852.6746

Good Writing Is Good Business